Recover Responsibly while Keeping Your Assets

Debt Counselling is sadly not the first option on the mind of those who are over-indebted. The first options are:

  • To ignore the high traffic of phone calls
  • To sell assets to make the repayments on debt
  • To borrow money thereby throwing themselves further into debt
  • Basically, borrowing from ‘Peter’ to pay ‘Paul’

The choices are sometimes not favorable, and debt counselling seems to be the last option, when it should be the first.

Life happens, and as we have seen in the last two years, life can throw us many different curve balls. Some of these curve balls we can handle, and others smack us off our feet and leave us in emotional turmoil. Debt counselling was introduced into our country to help consumers, to give them a safety net, because let’s face it, we all need someone to rescue us from time to time.

Let us look closer into the process of debt counselling and how it can rescue you from making decisions which could further harm your life.

The Debt Counselling Process in a Nutshell

In 2007, the National Credit Regulator (NCR) introduced a much-needed system to assist over indebted consumers and called it debt counselling. Over-indebted means that you cannot keep up with the repayment plan agreed to by you and your creditors. This can be anything from store accounts right through to good debt, like home loans.

Debt Rescue, one of the largest and longest standing companies in South Africa was founded through a compassionate understanding of the importance for such a service to be readily available to South African consumers. We understand that every consumer is different, and so is the route which they will take. One thing is true though, the blueprint to follow is the same. If you are considering taking the path of debt counselling or are simply interested in the process, read below:

  • First Contact – Either a debt counsellor will contact you, or you may choose to contact a Debt Rescue counsellor.
  • The Assessment – You will be asked to complete a debt assessment, so that your Debt Rescue counsellor can assess whether you are in fact over indebted and how best to help you. You can also take this no obligation, free debt assessment by yourself by clicking here.
  • Success or Referral – Not everyone is able to be placed under the wing of debt counselling, and the only way that you can know is through trying. However, if not, you can ask our debt counsellors what other options are available. If successful, you have an entire team of experts who negotiate on your behalf and protect you.
  • One Payment – If successful, you will be shielded from your creditors by Debt Rescue and the phone calls and constant stress will come to an end. You will be responsible for one payment only.
  • The Final Step – The Debt Rescue attorneys ensure that your repayment plan becomes a court order. This means that no one can sidestep this process and you are completely protected.

Why Choose Debt Counselling?

The stigma around debt counselling is something which was created by people who are not in the industry. It is also a process which creditors do not want you to take. After all they cannot scare you any longer or hound you for money which you do not have. Some creditors can be absolutely brutal, we understand. Even though it is illegal to contact you after hours, they still force their way into your life.

We understand the road which you are taking. Debt Rescue prides itself in compassionately ensuring that this process is one which provides the least amount of stress to you. We know our industry inside out, and we know the exact path that will return a healthy sense of living to you. We believe that choosing debt counselling is the responsible path, as well as the path of the least resistance.

On a final note, if you are still deciding whether debt counselling is the right choice for you, why not give one of our registered and experienced Debt Rescue Counsellors a call and find out what your options are: 0861 800 009
However, if you feel you would rather use our online assessment, visit the assessment here.

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