Report: 85% of employees want a hybrid work model

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As companies strategize ways to bring employees back to the office, business leaders are faced with questions around how to build a work environment that encourages and empowers employees to be productive, collaborative and innovative. 

A new report by Condeco polled 1,500 of current employees in the United States to get a pulse on the attitudes towards hybrid work and how these feelings are impacting businesses’ acclimation to the future of the working world. Its findings address business leaders’ most pressing questions regarding the rising adoption of hybrid and remote work, with data indicating that 85% of respondents want to go hybrid.

However, while the adoption of hybrid work makes sense, business leaders still need to understand how best practices can be obtained, with which tools and in which manner.

Pie graphs. Desire for future working amongst total within each seniority. 63% of C-suite, 59% of intermediate, and 52% of entry level.

Hybrid models are quickly becoming the agreed future but effectively transitioning to this new work behavior takes proper technology.  In fact, Condeco’s report found that having the right digital tools is a top priority to ensure effective hybrid work among respondents, but only 51% agree their company is using the right tools to support flexible work. What’s worse, only 50% of respondents feel their company is open to feedback about their digital tool stack.

The role of technology in a hybrid model is not only to give employees the flexibility to decide how and where they work, but to bring people and departments together. Employee experience is a top priority – and technology can make the difference between a positive and negative one, in how they communicate, collaborate, and connect. Many employees see technology as a platform for achieving digital equity for those in and out of the office, breaking down organizational siloes, and strengthening interpersonal relationships. Condeco’s report even found that 68% of respondents agree “achieving digital equality for virtual and in-room participants” is vital to ensuring effective collaboration can continue when hybrid working.

The writing is on the wall: hybrid work is now non-negotiable. Technology is the mean by which this new business model can be created and sustained, and Condeco’s findings highlight an urgent need to prioritize what makes up the backbone of this flexible work model – workplace technology.

Read the full report by Condeco.

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