Restaurant Ownership: The Importance Of Health & Safety Risk Assessment

When you take a detailed look at the restaurant business, it is clear that there are endless health & safety risks and by hooking up with a leading health & safety consultant, you can identify these risks and set out policies and best practices that minimise the risk of accidents in the workplace.

Hot ovens and grills pose a great risk to the health & safety of your employees, while your customers deserve to consume healthy and well-prepared food. Health & safety is not something you can afford to ignore and hooking up with a leading health & safety consultant ensures compliance.

Health & Safety Compliance

This is a major headache for all restaurant owners. As you would expect an H & S inspectors can turn up at your premises at any time. The penalties are severe, which is why you should join forces with a leading consultancy, who can handle everything and ensure that you have all the right policies in place.

Food Hygiene Certificate

It is not compulsory that a restaurant business holds a food hygiene certificate, but it sure does help. Display the certificate near the entrance so that customers can see and with a restaurant health and safety risk assessment support in your team, you can be sure of total compliance. The very first thing a health & safety consultancy would do is carry out an initial risk assessment that identifies the many risks present in a restaurant business and if you would like to obtain a food hygiene certificate, the health & safety consultant can help you to make the preparations for the eventual inspection.

Commercial Kitchens

Perhaps one of the most dangerous working environments, the commercial kitchen is full of heat appliances and staff are extremely active during peak hours. This calls for risk assessment, one of the services a leading health & safety consultancy offers its clients, which includes staff training, safety, fire drills and extinguishing techniques.

Staff Recruitment

With restaurant HR consultancy services UK or any country can provide, you can focus on other aspects of your business. Setting out clear employment policies and providing onsite training ensures you get top people, and the agency can handle every aspect of HR.

COVID-19 Restrictions

If social distancing is in place, there needs to ample signage to inform diners of the rules. This is something your health & safety consultant can implement, ensuring that your business is in full compliance with government guidelines. Hopefully, we will see the end of the pandemic and we can all focus on normality once more.

Waiting Staff

When you have 4-8 people serving, this can be the recipe for a collision and with some instruction, you can reduce the risk of an accident while carrying hot food. Talk to a leading health & safety consultancy that works with food & beverage and they can carry out risk assessments and equip your waiting staff with safety information.

Don’t take any chances with health & safety. Enlist the services of a leading consultancy and protect your employees and customers.

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