The best way not to spend money – hasn’t changed!


You’ve probably noticed a trend in my posts. A lot of reflection and looking back. But one thing has not changed. The best way for me to save money ie have more to pay toward debt, is to stay home!

The difference between then and now…is that I have a home that is MINE! And one that I have transformed over the past year into a place I love. Now that the weather is turning, I am spending hours upon hours out on the deck. It is shaded in the morning and shaded in the afternoons. I drink my first 16 oz. of water daily there as the dogs greet the day.

And many mornings, I’ll pull my laptop out there and enjoy the cooler air.

sitting on the deck

And then, of course, it’s a great spot to eat dinner or jump in the hot tub at the end of the day. I guess, all this to say, that I think having a place you love to be directly correlates to the money you are tempted to spend to escape the “hard” in life. And I am so grateful to have this space that I love.

When I was speaking to my fiance today, I told him I was planning to find a good book and spend the whole weekend at home. There is something so freeing about that. No pressure to plan, to entertain or really even to feed anyone. (Gymnast typically works at his serving job all weekend.) How come it took me so long to get to this place? To become satisfied with exactly where I am.

With this quiet season of life, I am going to take advantage of the money savings of just staying home! And see how that translates to savings and debt payments.

By the way, is there such a thing as a no spend quarter? I am thinking that would be a good way to kick off 2023. I wonder what that would look like. Love to know your thoughts.

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