The Secret Behind How to Increase Organic Traffic to Your Website – Enterprise Podcast Network

The biggest secret about organic traffic is that you’re in full control. This is a frightening thing to hear, but an important lesson for company growth. By making smart website decisions, the success of your company will be extraordinary. 

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Make Use of Guest Posting

Outsourcing to the Best Guest Posting Service doesn’t carry the same negatives associated with lesser companies. As it turns out, the backlash against contract guest posting had to do with the actual quality of the work. Back in the day, anyone with a computer could become a guest poster. Credentials were often misrepresented, leading to low quality posts for a professional amount of money. 

When the industry started favoring reputable guest posting services, things changed for the better. Writers and their credentials were vetted, and it wasn’t uncommon for a guest poster to do several articles for the same company. 

Don’t fall for deals too good to be true when it comes to guest posting. You get what you pay for, so quality should always come first.

Know Your Position

Paid results are shown before normal results when a user activates a search engine. In a worst-case scenario, they will have to scroll an entire page before results from your website show up. The more a user has to look, the more likely you’ll lose that click. This is why it is important to understand your position on different search engines with the help of SEO. By practicing modern SEO techniques, showing up on the first page of a search will put you in a better position. But you still have to do the work by providing the right words or summary to entice a user to click. First page notoriety is great, but it is far from being the finish line. 

What Is the User Experience?

So, you’ve managed to get an internet stranger to click the hyperlink. This is good news! However, what happens if they don’t like what is seen on the screen? Uninterested users are no better than users that never clicked on your website. They go back to the previous search results just as fast as they clicked on the link. This can also happen with low quality backlinks that misrepresent where it is sending the user. The worst part about failing the user experience is that you don’t often get a second chance to claim that customer back.  First impressions are everything for organic traffic, so optimize first time usage. Keep the content and link quality high, and expectations for increased traffic will be a realistic reward. 

Pay attention to the successful competitors in your industry. If they’re spending less than you and getting more organic traffic, then an adjustment needs to be made on your end

Make It Count

Learn to increase organic traffic without overextending your budget. This is not something you can blindly throw money at and hope it gets better. Navigate the web with confidence, or seek the services of professionals that can fill that role. 

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