What The Symbol Is That Jade Sees In From & Its Dark History Explained

WARNING! This article contains SPOILERS for From season 3, episode 5!The symbol that Jade has had constant visions of since arriving at From’s town is revealed to have a dark history, with plenty of mysteries still remaining about its meaning and origins. Similar to Tabitha having visions of From’s children who utter “anghkooey,” several characters seeing the Boy in White, and Boyd having visions of his dead wife Abby, Jade has been plagued by visions of a mysterious symbol since becoming trapped. The symbol first appeared to him in From season 1, episode 3, and has only become more and more intriguing as the show has progressed.

After becoming his primary fixation, Jade decided to further research the possible meanings of the symbol and its history in From’s town. As it turns out, Jade isn’t the only trapped From character who started seeing the symbol, with Victor revealing that the mark was previously connected to the now-deceased resident Christopher. Eventually, Jade’s travels into From’s tunnels during season 2 finally revealed to him what the symbol represented, though this dark context of its history and the stories about others who have seen it could be setting up a violent tragedy in Jade’s future.

The Symbol Represents The Tree Roots Seen In The Tunnels’ Clearing

The Symbol Mirrors The Pattern Of The Tree Roots At The Tunnels’ Skylight

As Jade finally discovered in From season 2’s ending, the symbol represents the pattern of the tree roots that have formed over a clearing in the tunnels. In the season 2 finale, Jade ventures through the tunnels and stumbles upon an open area with stone slabs arranged in a circle. Upon entering the area, Jade sees visions of the children each lying atop one of the stone slabs, pointing upward to the clearing at the top of the tunnels while repeating the word “anghkooey.”

There have been different iterations of the symbol in Jade and Christopher’s drawing, though each has three branch-like lines intersecting inside a circle. Some fan theories have suggested that the symbol could represent a map of the town.

The light from the sky shines down to reflect the symbol into the tunnel and onto the slabs, seemingly indicating a ritualistic practice in From’s history. The tunnels have been a huge mystery within From’s town so far, and it seems they hold the secrets to many of the supernatural events and dark realities in this world. Considering the trapped children, Christopher’s ventriloquist doll Jasper, and the symbol have all appeared there, they each seem to be connected to one another, sending a sinister message to those who can see and speak to them.

The Symbol’s History With Christopher & The Anghkooey Kids Explained

Christopher & The Children Are Both Associated With The Symbol

Like Jade throughout From seasons 1, 2, and 3, Victor reveals that Christopher began seeing the symbol and became obsessed with it prior to his death. According to Victor, during his childhood, Christopher was very happy and used to make others laugh in town. However, when Christopher started seeing the symbol, he stopped making people laugh and started to become a concerning figure. Later, Victor remembers that his mother made him and his sister Eloise hide in a root cellar overnight where Christopher couldn’t find them; when Victor woke up, everyone, including his mother, sister, and Christopher, was dead.

The symbol could be gradually turning Jade into the next Christopher.

It’s implied that Christopher was the perpetrator of the massacre when Victor was a child, which was seemingly due to some influence from the symbol and the town’s sinister forces. The only other figures from the town’s past that are known to have an association with the symbol are the children that Tabitha, Jade, and Miranda have seen in visions. From has revealed that Tabitha and Miranda were chosen to help save the children from a tower they’re trapped in, but when Tabitha arrives at the lighthouse tower in the season 2 finale, they’re nowhere to be found. With Jade having seen visions of them on the stone slabs, it appears that the children’s entrapment is associated with some ritual connected to the symbol.

From has also hinted at other potential cult-like rituals through Jade’s visions of a man drinking blood from skulls in season 3. It’s unclear what time period that man lived in, but it’s possible that his act of drinking blood from a human skull was a ritualistic practice that had something to do with the children lying on the stone slabs. Ultimately, it seems the symbol is rooted in tragedy, which doesn’t bode well for Jade constantly seeing it.

Jade’s Obsession With The Symbol Hints At A Major Future Tragedy In From

Does The Symbol Compel People To Carry Out Mass Sacrifices?

Jade looking up in a snowy background in From season 3

The last time that someone in town became obsessed with From’s symbol, it resulted in the massacre of the entire population except Victor. Additionally, it may be the cause of the unrest faced by the children’s spirits in the tunnels. With Jade now becoming obsessed with the symbol, it seems likely that the image could lead him to become the next perpetrator of a violent tragedy in town. Similar to how Sara was previously compelled by “voices” to commit violent acts against others in From season 1, the symbol could be gradually turning Jade into the next Christopher.


Why Victor Calls Sara The “Scariest” Person In Town In From Season 3

Victor deems that Sara is the scariest person in town in From season 3, episode 4, which can be traced back to her terrifying season 1 story.

New episodes of From season 3 release Sundays on MGM+.

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