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Exploring the world of personal finance apps, I’ve encountered everything from free, ad-heavy versions offering basic utility, to premium ones that pack a punch with their advanced features. While free apps have their place, offering valuable services at no cost (despite the ads and upsells), it’s the paid versions where I’ve often found true value. They offer a blend of power and specialization that can truly elevate your financial planning.

Enter ProjectionLab, a new tool that stands out in the crowded field of financial apps. ProjectionLab is a financial planning simulator, beautifully crafted and robust, designed to help you map out your financial future with precision. What sets it apart is its ability to simulate various financial trajectories, providing users with a clear path toward financial independence.

ProjectionLab reviews & ratings often highlight its nuanced approach to financial planning. Unlike many competitors, it offers the sophistication needed to create plans that reflect your personal life choices, ambitions, and future expectations.

This level of detail ensures that users can explore different scenarios and simulations, crafting a financial strategy that’s as unique as their life story. Sounds too good to be true? Read on as I uncover all of the details so you can decide for yourself.

Learn More About ProjectionLab

What is ProjectionLab?

ProjectionLab isn’t your average financial planning tool; it’s a sophisticated calculator that lets you tailor your financial future based on the dreams you have for your life. What sets it apart is its flexibility , there are no preset mandates on when to retire, how lavish your retirement should be, the number of children you might want, or whether you should pay off debt right away. You set your own goals, and ProjectionLab reveals the impact these ambitions will have on your finances as time unfolds.

The story behind ProjectionLab is deeply personal. Kyle Nolan, the mind behind the tool, was bitten by the entrepreneurial bug early and found himself drawn to the Financial Independence movement. However, his quest for a financial planning tool that resonated with his needs left him wanting.

Fueled by this gap, Nolan embarked on the journey to create ProjectionLab, aiming to provide a platform where individuals could plan their financial future with a tool that truly understands the diversity of personal goals and aspirations. This approach makes ProjectionLab uniquely empowering, offering a customized planning experience that genuinely aligns with your life’s visions.

ProjectionLab Reviews & Ratings

In order to help save you some time and better understand ProjectionLab, I scoured the web to find the most telling ProjectionLab reviews. Here are the reviews that might shed more light on company:



B2B growth marketing 📈👨‍💻


Great product that I’ve been following since the early days. Nothing like it on the market and super helpful for planning your future with dozens of different scenarios. Highly recommended!

Aug 20, 2022

Andrew Mackross@mackross

Projection Lab is fantastic! Probably the best money I’ve spent in the last year from an ROI perspective. Kyle must be one of the elusive 10x developers to have made such a solid bit of software on the side. Very inspirational.

Aug 20, 2022


At the heart of personal finance is a search for peace of mind. Whatever your financial goals may be, ProjectionLab can help you attend to them and find that peace of mind. Whether you’re focused on building a big picture assessment of current conditions or want to endlessly tinker with projected outcomes for the future, it has you covered. ProjectionLab is a great product, which I’ve been using for several months now. After a little testing, it was a no-brainer to grab the lifetime plan. It has deftly replaced my hodge-podge of spreadsheets and looks a lot better too!

Aug 20, 2022

ProjectionLab Features

Now that you were able to read some of the revealing ProjectionLab reviews & ratings, let me break down the features for you. Here are the main features users can expect with ProjectionLab:

  • Monte Carlo Simulations: This feature allows users to test the viability of their financial plans against market volatility and various life scenarios, providing a probability-based outlook on achieving retirement goals.
  • Tax Analysis and Estimation: For users looking to optimize their tax settings, ProjectionLab offers tools for advanced strategies in tax efficiency and future tax estimations, crucial for both high-earning years and retirement planning.
  • Customizable Financial Snapshot: Unlike tools that require linking to financial accounts, ProjectionLab enables a secure user experience by allowing the manual creation of a financial profile, including income streams, expenses, assets, liabilities, and even income type variations.
  • Fully Customizable Plans: Users can tailor their financial plans to include one-time or changing expenses, alter income projections, plan for medical expenses, student loans, and more, ensuring each plan reflects personal goals and life changes.
  • Visual Cash Flow Forecasting: Employing Sankey Charts, ProjectionLab offers a unique visualization of income and expenses, aiding users in understanding their cash flow dynamics for both immediate and long-term planning.
  • Progress Over Time and Allocation Over Time: This feature tracks the evolution of financial decisions and asset allocation throughout the entire life of the user, adapting to changes in income, expenses, and investment returns.
  • Secure Data Handling: ProjectionLab prioritizes privacy with a no-link policy to real financial accounts, offering users control over their data with options for cloud sync or manual import/export.
  • Simulation of Future Income and Extra Income: ProjectionLab allows for the inclusion of various income scenarios, including extra income or adjustments in future income, providing a comprehensive view for retirement plan adjustments.
  • Retirement Plan and Retirement Goals: Tailored to help craft a resilient retirement strategy, this feature assists in planning for retirement by incorporating detailed future projections and allowing for adjustments based on real-life aspirations.
  • Powerful Tool for Real Assets: ProjectionLab enables detailed planning for real asset investments, integrating them into the broader financial picture and retirement planning efforts.

ProjectionLab Pricing

ProjectionLab tailors its offerings with several subscription options to fit every user’s needs, from beginners to professional advisors.

  • The Free plan is perfect for anyone needing a quick, one-time financial plan. It includes features like custom plans, Monte Carlo simulation, cash flow visualization, and a basic dashboard. However, keep in mind that your data won’t be saved for future sessions.
  • For more dedicated users, the Premium subscription at $108 per year or $14 monthly (with a $520 option for a lifetime subscription) builds on the Free plan by saving your data across sessions. It also introduces tax analysis, tax estimation, and developer support for a deeper dive into your finances.
  • The Pro level, designed for financial advisors at $540 annually or $65 monthly, expands on Premium’s offerings. It allows for creating up to 10 client profiles (and additional profiles at $2 each per month) and includes an Advisor Dashboard for a comprehensive overview of client finances.

Final Thoughts

ProjectionLab really shines among personal finance apps, thanks to its deep customization options and powerful planning tools. It’s not just about tracking your spending; it’s about plotting a course to your financial future with features that consider everything from market ups and downs to your personal retirement dreams.

ProjectionLab reviews talk about its ability to handle complex scenarios with ease, making it a go-to for anyone serious about achieving financial independence. Curious to see how it can help you tailor your financial plan? Click Here to learn more and begin shaping your financial destiny.

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